Friday, August 28, 2009

Hunting Update

Well I know that I haven't posted in about a month but it's due to lots of time spent at work and home. Recently I have been busy working on the budget and business plan for the health system for 2010, and really haven't had time for much else. We celebrated Anderson's birthday on the 15th and had a great time with family. To see more on that, click here.

I have had the chance to hunt a few times since the season started, and fortunately have seen a good many deer, but nothing close to a shooter. I've seen a total of 32 deer so far, but only 4 bucks. I have hunted a few times at Trowbridge Plantation with James Wedgeworth and while I haven't dropped the hammer his son-in-law took a dandy opening morning. Take a look below.

I'm heading to the farm this weekend for a hunt, so with all this rain maybe my luck will change. I'll be reporting back soon...after I clean the house and watch Anderson so Jennifer can take a break, that is!

PS: I hope everyone is ready for college football, which starts next weekend! Go Tigers and Go Terriers!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trail Camera Pics and Anderson's first Farm Venture!

Over the past few weeks I've gathered a few pics of some nice bucks-here are a few that I hope will be around come August 16! August 15 is my son's 1st Birthday, so it will be cake and ice cream to start the year! Also, today Jennifer and Anderson went to the farm with me after a day of boating to spread corn and check the cameras... a good time and it won't be long before he will be tromping around in the woods with his Daddy!

Nice 7 Point

He'll be driving the buggy soon!