Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hope everyone is gearing up for Turkey season! I have been laying low lately, helping Jennifer take care of a sick baby(Anderson got his first cold!), and doing a few things around the house. Work has been really tiring lately, so I've been taking it easy on the weekends. It doesn't help that my detector was defective and I had to send it in for warranty service a few weeks ago. I just got it back yesterday so I should be good to go for the next few weekends, if I get a chance to search for relics before Turkey Season kicks in.
Despite staying around the house, I did get the chance to help out yesterday at our Rotary Club Annual Auction to raise money for the Hilton Head Children's Center Capital Campaign. It was a huge success, and we raised aroung $100k! I couldn't resist bidding on a few things, and was fortunate enough to have the winning bid on a great custom made fire pit. Here's a link to the auction and the fire pit!
And to those that are aware, thank you for the constant prayers for my grandmother, Tam. The doctors finally determined that she has cancer, and at her age the options for treatment aren't great. Her decline has been dificult for the family-She is a wonderful person and a Christian-I pray that God will take care of her and heal her if it be his will-Keep the prayers coming!

Take Care,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Turkey Season Clarification

For those of you wondering why I haven't posted in a while, unfortunately I just haven't had that much going on! Between taking care of Jennifer, Anderson, and completing much needed honey do's around the house, there hasn't been much else going on in our lives worth blogging about. I guess I could whine about Obama and his ridiculous spending plan, or brag about Clemson showing out on the hardwood, but I'll leave that to the pundits! I'd rather talk about our lives and hobbies, but I may slide a blog entry in every now and then about college sports or the Conservative cause!

We did have a wonderful dedication service for Anderson this past Sunday at church, however. It was a really great service and Anderson was well behaved! For more about the service, click here.

I hope to hit a few more Civil War sites with the detector before Turkey season kicks in, but in the meantime I recieved clarification for those of you in the Lowcountry wondering if the Zone 6 Season will begin Mar 15 as stated, or Mar 14, since the 15th falls on a Sunday. Well, I recieved the answer straight from the horse's mouth, Charles Ruth, DNR Biologist and Turkey Project Supervisor. Here is his written response:


The old Sunday to Saturday law was finally repealed last year. In the future, seasons for all species will open on the date that the law says they will open.
This is a good thing because there was always a lot of confusion among hunters (and DNR) about this issue. Plus, it reeked havoc on our printed materials when, every 7 years, the dates fell onSunday.
That being the case, turkey season in GZ 6 will open as posted on March 15.
Keep in mind that the basis for the old law was from a time when people did not hunt on Sunday (it was actually illegal to hunt deer and turkeys on Sundays in the piedmont until a few years ago). As things changed, the attitude concerning Sunday hunting changed and now most people hunt on Sundays. You may recall that there was even a lawsuit about the right to hunt on Sunday a few years ago.
Let me know if you have questions and good hunting.

Charles Ruth
Wildlife Biologist Deer/Turkey Project Supervisor
P. O. Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202-0167

So, for those of you that were hoping to get an extra day chasing those longbeards, sorry to report you'll either have to hold church in the woods on the 15th, or play hookey from work on the 16th!

Happy Hunting,
