Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dream Hunt!

Okay, so here's the deal-I got a call the other day from my friend James Wedgeworth inviting me to join him for a hunt at Roebuck Plantation, the personal hunting retreat of Mr. Wise Batten. Wise is a respected landowner and timber farmer in the lowcountry. As a matter of fact, he owns the 1600 acres of property our hunting club leases! I have followed him through his website for years, but it wasn't until I met James that I had an opportunity to meet Wise and his son, Wise Jr. What is also interesting, is that I have followed for several years now, and a gentleman routinely mentioned on that website is Mike Casstevens, who happens to be Wise's plantation manager. It was great meeting Mike and after following him for years on, I felt like I knew him well, even though I met him for the first time Tuesday night!

There were about 8 folks that hunted Tuesday evening, and Wise provided a nice cookout afterwards around the fire-we had steaks, baked beans, hot bread, and Ice Cream for dessert! As for the hunting, I saw a couple of cowhorn bucks, James saw three does and shot a fox, although we couldn't find him. Brian Carmines of Hudson's Restaurant on Hilton Head had the hot stand, with 20 does and 6 bucks showing up in a food plot he was hunting! He said he had a 130 class buck he was getting ready to shoot when Mike drove in to pick him up from the stand! Out of everyone that hunted, only 1 doe was shot, but what a great time at Roebuck Plantation. I hope that one day I'll be asked back-Wise is a wonderful man, and James is a great friend to ask me to join him. I felt humbled at the opportunity to hunt with a great group of people on what is argueably the best hunting property around.

View from my lone young buck


Jeff Hunt said...


You've got a nice blog here. Thanks for the link, and I truly appreciate you reading
It sure sounds like you had a great time out at Roebuck with Mike, and I look forward to reading more on your hunts. And being a artifact hunter myself, I also look forward to more on your civil war bullet/button search.
Congratulations as well on your new baby!